Hey Folks
Here is a useful business tip for you !!
Network Marketing is a surefire way for you to make enough money for a lifetime, provided you know how to go about it in the right manner. There are countless ways for one to be successful in an Network Marketing business, just one of them being able to answer any and every queries. There are, of course, many questions that people you pitch may ask, from time to time. However, most of these questions are simple and can be answered randomly, but there is one question that everyone finds difficult to answer or skirt - How much do you make.
Let us first talk about the reasons that one should avoid this question. For one, putting figures to the Network Marketing plan means that the person ahead gets an idea that even they will be earning that amount of money - right from day one. This would be one of the most negative to do to a new joinee - set up a limit or benchmark for them to meet right from day one.
One should remember that such kind of questions are make or break questions for the prospective Network Marketing.
Secondly, Network Marketing depends completely on the person signing up, and it all depends on how much time you can put in for the Network Marketing and how much time they can. Therefore, you might be restricting a person from using his actual earning potential by telling them how much you actually make.
Unfortunately, there are little or no ways to avoid the how much do you make question. Simply speaking, this type of question be mostly a direct question, and not answering it may be more damning for your Network Marketing business as compared to answering it truthfully.
Actually, the simplest way to skirt a question is to ask another question. Therefore, the best way you can skirt this question is by asking the prospect 'how much they wish to make?', to take a more blatant approach, you can subtly tell them that how much you make has nothing to do with how much they can make. You can also make them realize that how much money a person makes from the Network Marketing business depends on the amount of time and resources they invest, and the level of dedication they have for the Network Marketing business.
Of course, not everyone understand the nuances of personal business and finance. Therefore, you can subtly ask them a return question, like, when can I see how much they are making?
There are, of course, many situational aspects which can have you skirt the question. But this works only when you do not make a show of you skirting this crucial question. Remember that how much you make is nobody's business and is something called as personal information. So, do not bend over backwards by answering that question for a single sign up. And even then, if you do answer the question, the answer will always be taken with a pinch of salt and seldom believed in.
These and other suggestions will ensure that you have a fruitful and successful time as a Network Marketing businessman.
Ankur Agarwal
Network Marketing Trainer and Consultant
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