Which Is One Area In MLM Where You Need Maximum Training

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How To Find Home Business Prospects LOCALLY....

Hello Friends

Ankur Agarwal here....here is a very interesting and content rich article from my friend , coach and mentor Mark Wieser ....

"Where are all the good network marketing prospects at?

Many networkers seem convinced they don't live anywhere near them!

I say that because they'll spend hundreds of dollars a month on leads or genealogies all the while insisting that there are no decent prospects in their area.

Fact is, there are. (No matter how small of a town or city you live in).

Virtually everywhere there are people who would like to change their lifestyle, but who have no clue how to do that. There are also people in need of your product or service.

So, what's the best way to "tap in" to this goldmine of MLM prospects known as the "local market"?

We'll answer this by approaching it from two directions:

1) People you naturally come in contact with and

2) Services that can put you in contact with even more people who may be candidates for your opportunity (or product/service).

To get started, let's define terms.

"Local Market Prospects" refer to people who live or work in the same general area as you. In other words, people you come in contact with (or COULD come in contact with) on a daily basis.

They are not necessarily people you know (although they can be).

Approach Number One: Think about places you go and the people you cross paths with and practice alert living. Be on the lookout for sharp prospects wherever you go.

Example: You visit a local restaurant. You have a sharp, friendly food server who catches your attention. Right away, you observe this person has great people skills, a strong work ethic and is "on the ball".

Here's how you can EASILY prospect this person. Let's call him "John", and here's what you can say:

John, listen want to thank you for your great service this afternoon, it's some of the best service I've had in a restaurant this year (Now at this, "John" should be all smiles as you've just paid him a well deserved compliment). You then proceed: Listen John, I own a business here in the area and always keep an eye out for sharp people and you definitely caught my attention today. Let me ask you a question: do you keep your work options open? (Now, if John really is a sharp, heads-up person what's he gonna say? Obviously "yes", to which you respond): Good for you, John. I think you'll be glad you do! Tell you what, you're working right now and I'm busy myself, I'm heading off to meet someone, but let's do this.

Let me get your contact information and I'll drop you a line tomorrow (or when he get's off later the same day) and give you some more information on our opportunity and who we're looking for and see if we've got a match". Then you simply write down his information and you've just generated a strong local lead. Now, what makes it so strong is this: you've had a chance to MEET your prospect personally, observe their work ethic, their personality, and their people skills. How much stronger is THAT than simply calling a prospect "cold" on the phone? This is powerful.

And it's not just limited to restaurants (although people in this industry often make excellent networkers). No, you can do this in virtually anywhere.

Approach Number Two: Now, what can you do to come into contact with qualified local prospects in a "leveraged way"?

Join a lead referral network!

These are groups that meet locally and refer prospects to one another.

You simple attend a small meeting in your area and share a little about yourself and your business and you can immediately tap into the leveraged power of business networking.

The #1 organization for this that I'm aware of is: BNI or "Business Networkers International". They are worldwide and you can get more information by visiting bni.com

An alternative organization (which is limited to the USA only at this time) is called: LeTip. For more info, visit letip.com

Be sure to look in your local area and you may find additional organizations like these to expand your reach even further.

That's it's for today...

Mark Wieser


Mark Wieser has been a coach/trainer to thousands of network marketers in many different
companies and is the creator of www.mlmsponsoringtips.com He and his family recently
relocated to North Carolina. More information about mark's sponsoring approach, can be
found at: www.SurefireSponsoring.com........."

I hope you enjoyed reading the article..Do express your comments and views in the comment section..

Ankur Agarwal
Network Marketing Coach