Which Is One Area In MLM Where You Need Maximum Training

Monday, February 25, 2008

Lazer Focussed MS Approach

Hey Folks

Here is an important article for you to read for your Daily MLM training.

And it's a BIGGY...I will say summary of What Mike Dillard Teaches in few lines…..

Actually it's one of the most important of all. Get the stuff in here wrong and you'll be wasting more time than Lion in a lentil factory. Get it right and your business will start to build so fast you'll need to wear leathers, a crash helmet and gloves...

"Lazer Focussed MS Approach"

Once again I'm gonna give you a little story (based on real events) to try to illustrate my point here... My first ever part time job while at college was telemarketing in the optical science business...
Ok...Double glazing...

Now, we didn't have a very sophisticated method for identifying our audience

In fact we just pulled names straight out of the telephone book. A through Z....

So as a 'newbie' I blindly dialled as many numbers as I could and followed what everyone else did.

Something like this...

"Hi...Is that Mr Smith?"

"Great...This is Ankur Agarwal calling. How are you this evening?"

"Good. We're offering free new window estimations for people in
your area...Are you interested?"

Well...I'm sure you've guessed the reaction of 99% of people on the other end.

Bar the extrovert's, very young, very old and just plain bored, no one wanted to speak to me...Let alone buy any windows...

You see, the thing is that whatever medium you are using whether it's the phone, the written word, the internet, the radio or indeed the television you only have a few seconds to identify who has an initial need, want or desire for your products or services, grab their people attention with the vice like grip of a King Cobra and hold it for long enough to get them to do what you want...It's really that simple...

Now...There's an awful lot more to this than just that...BUT...Do one of the following two things and your success will rocket immediately...

1. Scare the wits out of them...I don't mean creep up
behind them and say 'boo'...Rather worry them badly about
something that affects them...

2. Promise them something ridiculous...But it does need to be
true...Unless you want to 'go to jail, go directly to jail, do not
pass go and do not collect ??200...Whoops, sorry, that's Monopoly...

So ...Knowing this, my window conversations would be just a little bit different...

"Hi...Is that Mr Smith?"

"Great...This is Ankur Agarwal calling. How are you this evening?"

"Good. Let me ask you something...If I can truly show you how to
reduce your central heating bill by 50% today...Is that worth 30
minutes to find out how?"

Wallop...The ratio of interested parties rises faster than skyscrapers in Tokyo ...

So there you have it...One little tip that I promise will dramatically change your success forever...

To Sum up….

Identify people who have a propensity to buy what you're marketing, use a number of methods to find them and then grab their attention like their lottery numbers have just come up...

Just a little different to persuading uninterested people to have a look at your wares...

Getting the idea?

Dedicated to helping you have endless people saying...Yes please...I'll have some...

Ankur Agarwal is a Professional Network Marketing Trainer and Consultant.To know more about his trade secrets , visit http://www.mlmguruankur.com/