You can hide out in many companies and organizations, but not in this business. Network marketing requires you to truly be a giver. It requires you to be a true leader. And the success of your giving and leading are fairly gauged by your results.
Let's talk about leadership.
I define a leader as:
One who interferes in other people's lives and causes them to do what they otherwise wouldn't do, towards what matters to them.
Before you choke on that, let's break it into bite size pieces.
I define a leader as:
One who interferes in other people's lives and causes them to do what they otherwise wouldn't do, towards what matters to them.
Before you choke on that, let's break it into bite size pieces.
Towards what matters to them," means what matters to the other person, not to yourself. If you interfere and cause them to do what matters to you, that's manipulation.
To "cause them to do what they otherwise would not do," refers to the fact that most of every human being's decisions and behavior are determined by their sub-conscious belief systems. As a man or woman thinketh in their heart, so are they. It's the secret of the ages.
These sub-conscious belief systems are like colored sunglasses we view life through that we are often born with and develop, so early on we can't recall being without them. These sunglasses are our belief systems around commitment, trust, who we think we are and end up limiting our goals or even preventing us from having goals at all. They determine how we listen or don't listen. They determine whether we prospect people or not and how we prospect.
When you breakthrough these sunglasses or have a revelation, it affects not just your network marketing business, but every aspect of your life.
To "cause them to do what they otherwise would not do," refers to the fact that most of every human being's decisions and behavior are determined by their sub-conscious belief systems. As a man or woman thinketh in their heart, so are they. It's the secret of the ages.
These sub-conscious belief systems are like colored sunglasses we view life through that we are often born with and develop, so early on we can't recall being without them. These sunglasses are our belief systems around commitment, trust, who we think we are and end up limiting our goals or even preventing us from having goals at all. They determine how we listen or don't listen. They determine whether we prospect people or not and how we prospect.
When you breakthrough these sunglasses or have a revelation, it affects not just your network marketing business, but every aspect of your life.
Your network marketing business exposes these belief systems.
It's time...for Network Marketingthe most remarkable form of free–enterprise ever created.
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