Hi Friends
Here is the latest update which i recd form Ann Sieg : Author of the 7 great lief of Network Marketing Book and Renegade Network Marketer....She is offering her famous book The Renegade Network Marketer on 50% discounted price till 15th June....Here is The Link to check it out : http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MfwX_&m=1gAkktwCGjrIdv&b=bipaOMcUmKPzl.ut8k2fpA .Also for first 1000 buyers she is offering three bonus gifts also...........Do check them out....Here is The Exact Mail which i recd from Ann
" Hi Ankur,Until midnight on June 15th, you can getmy entire Renegade Network MarketerSystem for HALF OFF!Here's where you can grab your copy forhalf off:http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MfwX_&m=1gAkktwCGjrIdv&b=bipaOMcUmKPzl.ut8k2fpAI'm holding this special sale because oneyear ago today, The Renegade NetworkMarketer system was released and I wantto say THANK YOU to all my subscribers! :-)Here's where you can grab your copy andsave 50%:http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MfwX_&m=1gAkktwCGjrIdv&b=bipaOMcUmKPzl.ut8k2fpA-------------------------Try My System For 50% OFFAnd Get THREE, Brand New,Free Bonuses!-------------------------So here's the deal: As some of you mayknow, at the beginning of this year Ibegan a 12 month intensive coachingsession with an exclusive handful ofpeople.During these 12 months I have been, andwill be covering every aspect of growinga network marketing business online.We've been doing a new session everymonth and so far we've done five. Thesessions have been in webinar format,which is basically a seminar on the web.You get to hear me and you can see mycomputer screen as I walk you through thedifferent steps and procedures I'veoutlined.At some point, I'm probably going to bebundling the recorded versions of thesesessions together and turning them into ahome study course.I haven't decided on a price yet, but itwill probably be in the $297-497 range.But because you're one of my loyalsubscribers I want to give you the chanceto take a sneak peek at two of them asFREE special bonuses...------------------------BEFORE THEY'RE RELEASED!------------------------And no, I don't mean little 5 minute"teaser" previews either. I'm talking thefull session.Out of the entire 12 month program, thesetwo sessions that I'm going to be leakingout in advance are BY FAR the mostimportant to creating mlm wealth - whichis why I did them right at the beginningof the program.Each session is supposed to be sixtyminutes long but I had so much valuablematerial to cover on this topic that Iended up going over on each one.Also, when I do eventually turn theseinto a product, there will be parts thatare going to be edited out.However, if you pick them up for freeduring this one year anniversary sale,you'll get the complete, unedited,untouched versions - exactly as mycoaching group saw them.These will be the only versions of thesewebinars ever released. After this, theywill never see the light of day again.--------BAD NEWS--------Unfortunately, since I'm going to beselling these webinars as part of productlater on, you can probably understand Idon't want to be giving away too manycopies for free beforehand.So I've decided to limit these threenever-before-seen bonuses to the first1,000 subscribers who take advantage ofthis offer.This email is going out to over 122,000other subscribers today so I don't expectthese 1,000 copies to last long.I have to admit, I feel a little guiltyabout it because I know not everyone willhave a chance to get this material, butthe rest of my team thinks I'm NUTS foreven giving away any AT ALL - let alone1,000!They know just how valuable thisinformation is and they hate to see itgiven away. So I had to put a cap on it.------------------------------ ------------FIRST 1,000 SUBSCRIBERS WHO BUY AT 50% OFF------------------------------ ------------You'll want to pay close attention when youwatch these webinars because I cover "TheMillion Dollar Skill," which is how tocreate an IRRESISTIBLE advertisement thatwill not only generate leads, but alsosell products in mass quantities.(I also like to refer to this as "TheRecession Proof Skill Set" because it'sliterally the ability to create tons ofleads, prospects and customers ondemand - no matter what the circumstances).In order to grow your business, you needto find a more leveraged way to sell yourstuff, rather than doing it allindividually.You need to automate. And this is whereyour ability to create a good ad comesinto play.So if the 50% discount isn't enough tohave you heading to my special "half-off"website, these THREE brand new bonuseswill surely do the trick:-----------------------------*Bonus 1: "The Million DollarSkill" Webinar (Part 1)-----------------------------This 65-minute video coaching sessioncovers:-How you can quickly turn completestrangers into reliable customers...WITHOUT having ANY one-on-oneconversations!-How to drastically short-cut thelearning curve and become a world classad writer using the EXACT SAME"underground" techniques I personallyused when I was a rookie!-A sneaky - yet ethical - method thatwill enable you to churn out ads (in lessthan 5 minutes) that are guaranteed to"reel in" prospects for your MLM business.-----------------------------*Bonus 2: "The Million DollarSkill" Webinar (Part 2)-----------------------------This 67-minute video coaching sessioncovers:-The three hot-buttons you must press toget even your BIGGEST penny-pinchingprospects to shell out for your MLMproducts.-The world's most successful ad writersspend 90% of their time doingthis _____________ (Do you know what itis?)-The 11 specific components you mustinclude in your ads if you want yourprospects to even consider your offer.-----------------------------*Bonus 3: "The Million DollarSkill" PDF Worksheets-----------------------------These "fill-in-the-blank" PDF worksheets(12 pages) will help you engrain whatyou've learned in your mind. Feel free toprint them out and scribble your mostimportant notes and ideas all overthem - there's plenty of room!WHEW!That's a lot of goodies... Plus you stillget... ALL 4 of the original bonuses beingoffered with The Renegade Network Marketer.Which means you'll SAVE 50% AND receive aGRAND TOTAL of 7 FREE BONUSES if you actfast enough!Go here and claim your copy right nowbefore they're all gone!http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MfwX_&m=1gAkktwCGjrIdv&b=bipaOMcUmKPzl.ut8k2fpATalk Soon,AnnP.S. - This special half off sales ends atmidnight on June 15th. If you'd like toget the revolutionary system so manynetwork marketers are raving about... andsave 50%, then go here now:http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MfwX_&m=1gAkktwCGjrIdv&b=bipaOMcUmKPzl.ut8k2fpAP.P.S. - By the way, no one else knowsabout this outrageous offer - not even myexisting renegade customers. And to behonest, I think they'd be a little irkedthat they didn't get this offer themselves,so if you could keep this special "halfoff" deal to yourself I'd reallyappreciate it.http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MfwX_&m=1gAkktwCGjrIdv&b=bipaOMcUmKPzl.ut8k2fpAP.P.P.S - I apologize for giving you suchshort notice on this, but I literallythrew this together at the last minute.I doubt the 1,000 bonus webinars will sellout today, but I can't be sure. There areover 122,000 other people getting thisemail, so if you want to be guaranteed acopy before they go on sale for a muchhigher price later on, I wouldn't delayany longer.If you don't make it in time and you'renot one of the first 1,000 subscribers tobuy, you'll only miss out on the 3 newbonuses mentioned above. You can stillget my entire Renegade Network Marketerlead generation system and the fouroriginal bonuses for 50% off untilmidnight on June 15th!You are receiving this message because you (or someoneusing your email address) signed up to receive the "The 7Great Lies of Network Marketing" ebook.
Ankur Agarwal
Which Is One Area In MLM Where You Need Maximum Training
Friday, June 13, 2008
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